St. 竞技宝app下载安装电子邮件政策


1. 基本原理/目的 

St. 竞技宝app下载安装 recognizes the need for electronic communication, specifically email. The University uses SAU email addresses to officially communicate with students, faculty and staff. 因此, it is the account holders' responsibility to read, respond and comply with any official university email. St. 竞技宝app下载安装 expects all email users to uphold the Mission and Vision and maintain a certain standard of dignity and respect when sending emails. 

2. 保单陈述书 

St. 竞技宝app下载安装 employees are encouraged to make appropriate use of email for job- related activities that further the University's mission and goals. St. 竞技宝app下载安装 students are encouraged to make appropriate use of email for academic purposes and understand this is the official way administration and employees will communicate with students. 你被提醒,你 不得使用 St. 竞技宝app下载安装电子邮件用于商业目的, 个人经济收益, to support a political candidate or movement, 或者用于政治筹款. 

3. 范围 

1. 机密性:圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 works diligently to keep email messages secure, 但隐私永远得不到保证, and users should operate under the understanding that there is no expectation of privacy through emails sent through St. 竞技宝app下载安装的电子邮件账户. 在某些情况下,这可能是必要的. Ambrose staff or other University officials to access certain email accounts. 

Google has the right to access Gmail Accounts for violations of its 可接受使用政策.

2. 安全: 
In an era when no electronic communication is guaranteed to be absolutely secure, you should always exercise good judgment in choosing what you include in your emails. Good judgment dictates that the email be used on for communications that any sender would be comfortable seeing entered into public record. 如果你需要发送私人邮件, Confidential or data that is not public record, you are to use the Secure email standards outlined on the IT Portal Page. 

3. 使用:

a. 同样重要的是,你 不使用 University emails in such a way as to give the impression that you are representing, 提供意见, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the University without express permission of the President. 
b. 使用一个 非圣竞技宝app下载安装电子邮件 account to link to all personal financial or online account/websites of any kind, or to communicate with others about non-university business. 

c. The use of email for any of the purposes listed below is prohibited: 

      • An infringement on another's copyright, patent, or other property right
      • Violates, or encourages the violation, of human rights, federal or state laws 
      • A malicious, unlawful or fraudulent email designed to hack accounts
      • Includes or promotes any inappropriate content, 包括, 但不限于, 色情, illegal drug promotion or any gang or illegal activity
      • 过度和不适当的暴力
      • Poses a risk to the public health or public safety of any individuals
      • 使用, 或者试图使用, 未经允许擅自使用他人帐号, 包括, 但不限于, collecting email addresses and names without the consent of those individuals 

d. Sharing of Account login and password is not allowed. 任何人共享访问帐户, will have account password reset and will have to prove identity to regain access. 

4. 保留: 

a. 毕业于圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 may keep their email address for future use. They will, however, be removed from the Student Distribution List. 
Students who leave the University without graduating will not have access to their email address upon leaving the University. 

b. 教职员工从圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 may keep their email address. They will, however, be removed from the Faculty and Staff Distribution Lists. Faculty and staff who retire and wish to keep their email address must post a re-direction message for 30 days. Faculty and staff who leave the University without retiring, will not have any further access to their email address. 

c. Adjunct instructors who have not taught at the University for the previous 2 years will have their email account and other access disabled. 

d. Any Employee who is taking classes, must be issued a Student email for academic purposes. Any academic information sent to or transmitted via their employee account, 不会构成保留访问权限的能力吗. 

e. 在所有情况下, no person may retain a copy of any private or confidential work-related email or electronically stored information after the termination of employment without the written permission of the identified administrator within this policy 

4. 异常 

1. Students: A student may choose to forward their St Ambrose email account to another account. Doing so is at their own risk, understanding that forwarded emails may be lost or compromised. 一个学生不能阅读, respond or comply with an official university email does not excuse the student from knowing and complying with the content of the email. 

2. Faculty and Staff: Employees are discouraged from forwarding any St Ambrose emails to a personal account. 由于我们的业务性质, 所有学术信息, proprietary business information or confidential information shared with any employee, is not to be forwarded or shared to any outside entity. 

5. 不符合 

1. Anyone found in non-compliance of these or any Google use policy, will have accounts disabled. 


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